全局: overall situation; whole sit ...引用: quote; cite调用: transfer temporarily for a s ...全局调节: global regulation全局调节子: global regulon全局调节回路: global regulation circuit; global regulatory circuit全局调节网络: global regulatory network全局: overall situation; whole situation; situation as a whole 从全局利益出发安排工作 plan the work with an eye to the interests of the whole; 全局性问题 a matter of overall importance; 树立全局观点 adopt an overall point of view; 通观全局 take a comprehensive view of the general situation; 影响全局 affect the overall situation; 统筹全局 keep the overall situation in mind and plan accordingly; 摆正局部与全局的关系 maintain a proper relationship between the part and the whole; 全局观点 overall point of view; 全局利益 interests of the whole; general interests全局变量引用: global variable reference引用全局变量时的: global functions安全局: security bureau全局的: global; in the large全局地: globally全局段: global section全局光: global illumination gi; global light全局码: global title translation; gt global title全局区: global area全局锁: global lock全局网: gan global area network; global net全局性: globality全局域: global scope全局栈: global stack全局组: gg:global group; global group全体;全局: global安全局局长: chief of the security bureau